Quick Bites | The age of giant global asset managers

With UBS’s shotgun marriage to Credit Suisse (CS) and its acquisition of the CS asset management business, UBS has been catapulted into the asset management super league.

Source: Genuine Impact

The biggest of the global giant asset managers is BlackRock, the New York-based group founded in 1988 by Larry Fink. BlackRock has USD9.57 trillion in assets under management. It started initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager but has grown rapidly into offering the complete range for institutions, financial professionals, and individuals.

Second is Vanguard with USD8.1 trillion, founded by John Bogle out of Pennsylvania, and which for 45 years has championed low-cost index investing.

And now third will be the combined UBS + CS business, a new giant with funds under management of USD5.9 trillion, and which will be Switzerland’s only global bank and asset manager.



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