
what you can expect


A macroeconomic update on the current state of the economy and what it means for your investments.

Relaxed atmosphere
Expert team

Our expert team of investment professionals will provide insights on securing your retirement income.

Relaxed atmosphere
Relaxed atmosphere

A relaxed atmosphere conducive to learn, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals.


Walk away feeling informed and empowered to navigate your retirement income and how to get more help.

  • Sydney
    5th April, 2023
  • Melbourne
    12th April 2023
  • Brisbane
    19th April 2023

Secure your income in retirement

If you’re approaching retirement age and feeling anxious about your financial future, join us for this informative event led by industry experts.

Tickets are $30 per person, with all proceeds donated our chosen charity ‘Next Steps Australia’. Invest in your financial future and plan to enjoy retirement to the fullest.

9am - 11am, 5th April 2023
9am - 11am, 12th April 2023
9am - 11am, 19th April 2023

industry experts

Event speakers

We have carefully selected our panel of experts specialising in retirement income generating investments to ensure that you walk away with a greater understanding of what is available to you.

John Abernethy

B. Com. & Law
With an unwavering 40-year focus on helping Australians build and protect their wealth, investment management has been John Abernethy’s sole career passion since he graduated from UNSW with a Bachelor of Laws and Commerce degree. John is proud his career roots were at NRMA investments, a mutual focused on member service before profits. In his 10 years at NRMA, he reached the position of Head of Equities and Assistant General Manager Investments. Testament to his attention to service, quality and communication is that independent financial planners voted NRMA No. 1 Investment Manager during his tenure. John founded Clime 27 years ago and has carried the NRMA ethos with him, ensuring that going the extra mile for advisers and clients is part of the company’s DNA.

Claire Bibby

Non-Executive Director
Claire was appointed as an addition to the Board effective 18 October 2021. She is a senior lawyer and professional coach, based in Sydney. Over the last 5 years, Claire has founded and co-founded a number of businesses covering the legal, executive coaching, property-tech and legal-tech spaces. Prior to this, she gained over 25 years of experience through senior management appointments with some of world’s largest companies and top-tier law firms. Claire is a Non-Executive Director of two other ASX listed companies – Comms Group Limited (cloud communications (ASX:CCG)), and Arowana International Limited (investment group (ASX:AWN)), and is an Industry/Professional Fellow with the University of Technology Sydney, School of Law.


Introduction to the low volume market
How much are tickets?

A franked dividend represents the amount of tax a company has already paid on its profits.

Will refreshments be served?

A franked dividend represents the amount of tax a company has already paid on its profits.

Will there be a Q+A session?

A franked dividend represents the amount of tax a company has already paid on its profits.

How many tickets are available?

A franked dividend represents the amount of tax a company has already paid on its profits.

Don’t miss out.

9am - 11am, 5th April 2023
9am - 11am, 5th April 2023
9am - 11am, 19th April 2023

free info pack

Need more

Download our free CAIF information pack.

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