

  • $0.004
    Dividend (?)


  • $0.355
    Share price (?)
    Share price

    Updated every 20 minutes


Clime Investment
Management Limited

Invest in an Australian company investing in Australians

Clime Investment Limited (ASX:CIW) is a listed Australian company, founded in 1996 and listed on the ASX in 2001.
The company is committed to supporting Australians in achieving their investment goals. Having proudly delivered strong capital and income growth for investors, our focus remains helping more clients and advisers with diverse financial solutions tailored to meet their needs. As a listed company, we offer the opportunity to invest alongside us as we continue to grow.

Why Invest in CIW


Doing the right thing even when it’s uncomfortable.


Consistent honest and open communication.


We believe in what we do, and we invest alongside our clients.


Learn from the past, don’t live in it.



You invest in CIW by purchasing CIW shares on the Australian Stock exchange. This is done via a broker or brokerage account.

Finding a broker – You could use a full service broker whose service includes general advice or an online broker (share trading platform). Typically, the online broker will be at a lower cost to trade and is available through most major financial institutions.

Making the purchase – Once you have your brokerage account set up with funds available you are ready to make the purchase (ASX code: CIW). You can buy and sell CIW shares whenever you like however there may be minimum amounts involved along with brokerage costs.

Post trade - Now that you are a shareholder with CIW you will receive a welcome letter from our share registry. This letter will contain details of your Holder Identification Number (HIN) along with a request for details when we pay dividends.

What to expect as a shareholder – You will be invited to attend the Clime Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and receive shareholder notifications for any important announcements. These can also be found on the ASX website by searching Clime or ASX code CIW.

For any changes to your details, for example a new address, please contact the share registry. Contact details are available in your welcome letter.


What is a dividend?

A dividend is a distribution of profits to shareholders. Clime has a history of paying dividends half-yearly.

What is a franked dividend?

A franked dividend represents the amount of tax a company has already paid on its profits.

Can I check my shareholding online?

Yes, you can check your shareholding via your CHESS account with your stockbroker or via our Share Registry.


Board of directors

John Abernethy

B. Com. & Law
With an unwavering 40-year focus on helping Australians build and protect their wealth, investment management has been John Abernethy’s sole career passion since he graduated from UNSW with a Bachelor of Laws and Commerce degree. John is proud his career roots were at NRMA investments, a mutual focused on member service before profits. In his 10 years at NRMA, he reached the position of Head of Equities and Assistant General Manager Investments. Testament to his attention to service, quality and communication is that independent financial planners voted NRMA No. 1 Investment Manager during his tenure. John founded Clime 27 years ago and has carried the NRMA ethos with him, ensuring that going the extra mile for advisers and clients is part of the company’s DNA.

Claire Bibby

Non-Executive Director
Claire was appointed as an addition to the Board effective 18 October 2021. She is a senior lawyer and professional coach, based in Sydney. Over the last 5 years, Claire has founded and co-founded a number of businesses covering the legal, executive coaching, property-tech and legal-tech spaces. Prior to this, she gained over 25 years of experience through senior management appointments with some of world’s largest companies and top-tier law firms. Claire is a Non-Executive Director of two other ASX listed companies – Comms Group Limited (cloud communications (ASX:CCG)), and Arowana International Limited (investment group (ASX:AWN)), and is an Industry/Professional Fellow with the University of Technology Sydney, School of Law.

Susan Wynne

Non-Executive Director
B.Sc., Grad. Dip. Appl Finance & Investments, CFA.
Susan Wynne is an experienced leader with a proven track record of working across multi-disciplined and complex areas and industries with a key focus on the triple bottom line. She is a connector of people, passion and ideas with a reputation for getting things done. She is highly skilled in Strategy, Stakeholder Management, Governance, Negotiation, Corporate Affairs, Public Speaking, Management and Leadership. Susan has extensive experience in the boardroom and at senior executive level, particularly in roles dealing with diverse issues which require a broad skill set and strong focus on governance and risk, people and purpose. She is a graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors and Affiliate of the Governance Institute of Australia and is focused on delivering experience, knowledge, vision and direction. Susan is a NED on the Board of ASX listed MoneyMe Limited (ASX:MME) and the Mayor of the Municipality of Woollahra.

Michael Baragwanath

Managing Director

Andrew Coleman

Non-Executive Director

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