

  • $0.820
    NTA (?)

    Pre Tax unaudited per share as at 09/02/2024. Net Tangible Assets per share (NTA) is the value of the total portfolio divided by the number of shares on issue.

  • $0.0135
    Dividend (?)

    Fully franked paid on 25/01/2024.

  • $0.775
    Share price (?)
    Share price

    Updated every 20 minutes


Capital Limited

A simple way to invest in quality Australian companies.

Clime Capital Limited is a long established listed investment company (LIC) that offers investors the opportunity to acquire shares in quality Australian companies.
Our focus is to deliver above market returns and fully franked dividend yields higher than can be achieved by investing in the broader ASX or an associated index. Clime Capital Limited is managed by Clime Asset Management Pty Ltd. Our portfolio managers only buy shares in companies when they can buy them at a reasonable price.

Why Invest in cam

Growing income
Growing income

Access to quarterly income with the added benefit of franking credits.

Capital preservation
Capital preservation

Long-term capital preservation when measured against inflation.

Diversified portfolio
Diversified portfolio

Exposure to high quality large caps, small caps and income securities.

Active Management
Active Management

Access to Clime’s experienced investment team, investing in Australia’s leading companies.



You invest in CAM by purchasing CAM shares on the Australian Stock Exchange. This is done via a broker or brokerage account.

Finding a broker – You could use a full service broker whose service includes general advice or an online broker (share trading platform). Typically, the online broker will be at a lower cost to trade and is available through most major financial institutions.

Making the purchase – Once you have your brokerage account set up with funds available you are ready to make the purchase (ASX code: CAM). You can buy and sell CAM shares whenever you like however there may be minimum amounts involved along with brokerage costs.

Post trade - Now that you are a shareholder with CAM you will receive a welcome letter from our Share Registry. This letter will contain details of your Holder Identification Number (HIN) along with a request for details when we pay dividends.

What to expect as a shareholder – You will be invited to attend the Clime Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and receive shareholder notifications for any important announcements. These can also be found on the ASX website by searching Clime or ASX code CAM.

For any changes to your details, for example a new address, please contact the Share Registry. Contact details are available in your welcome letter.


What is a Listed Investment Company (LIC)?

A LIC is an investment company with a fixed number of shares which are traded on the Australian Securities Exchange.
The objective of the company is to primarily invest in other listed companies and grow their portfolio. These investments are done on behalf of the investors who have purchased shares in the LIC.

What is dividend income?

A dividend is a distribution of profits to shareholders. CAM has a history of paying dividends quarterly.

What is a franked dividend?

A franked dividend represents the amount of tax a company has already paid on its profits.

Can I check my shareholding online?

Yes, you can check your shareholding via your chess account with your stockbroker or via our Share Registry.


Board of

Marc Schwartz

Non-Executive Director
Marc has had a very successful business career from being Manager of Structured Finance Products at Macquarie Bank in 2007 to being Managing Director of Pascoes Pty Ltd from 2008 to 2018, which employed 150 people across two manufacturing sites and manufactured or distributed over 400 items to retailers. He is currently a Director of Gelflex Laboratories which is the largest manufacturer of contact lenses in the Southern Hemisphere, he is also Director of Blackfox Property – a property syndication company and current chair of YPO Sydney Pacific. Marc’s specialisation has been in operational and financial efficiency, investment and strategy.

Diana D’Ambra AM

Non-Executive Director
Diana D'Ambra was appointed director on 25 November 2022. Diana has more than 15 years' non-executive director experience and more than 25 years' experience as a corporate finance executive director at KPMG, delivering corporate finance, mergers, acquisitions and investment advice across many industries including financial and investment services, property development and infrastructure, fast moving consumer goods, and healthcare. Diana has a Bachelor and Masters of Commerce degrees, is a fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (FCA), Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors ( FAICD), and  Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia (FGIA). Diana has successfully completed the Australia Institute of Company Director, Company Directors Course (GAICD), Diana is the Chair of Clime Capital’s Audit and Risk Committee.

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